About Us
The attorneys at the law office of Roussel & Clement confidently represent clients exposed to toxic substances in Louisiana although these clients are currently living in California, Mississippi, Tennessee, Texas, Washington or other states.
Roussel & Clement Overview
Established in 1991, the Louisiana law firm of Roussel & Clement provides comprehensive, detailed representation to clients who have experienced a range of serious injuries including those injuries resulting from exposure to asbestos and other toxic substances.
Roussel & Clement‘s primary focus is litigation, and the lawyers at the law firm are what is often referred to as trial lawyers. Contrary to popular belief, there are trial lawyers for the plaintiffs and trial lawyers for the defense. Trial lawyers prepare cases for actual trials in court (similar to what you often see on television) as opposed to transactional lawyers that do not attend court and prepare written documents, such as contracts or real estate documents.
Attorneys at the law firm of Roussel & Clement have significant experience in various areas of law which allow them to thoroughly handle occupational disease, personal injury and wrongful death claims in relation to asbestos exposures and other types of toxic and industrial exposures.
The attorneys at Roussel & Clement have significant legal experience in both State and Federal courts. Moreover, the law firm of Roussel & Clement has over one hundred years of combined experiences in various areas of law, which gives the law firm broad insight for effectively and efficiently dealing with the wide range of legal problems which occurs
in asbestos and cancer litigation both at the individual and corporation levels.
With a focus on litigation, our firm prides itself on being extremely trial savvy, utilizing years of experience in order to obtain the best possible outcome on your case. The lawyers at our firm possess qualities that strengthen our ability to aggressively and professionally pursue an expedient and complete resolution of your case.