You do not have to face this situation alone.
Companies that used, manufactured, distributed, designed and sold asbestos products were aware of the dangers of asbestos dating back to the 1930s. OSHA and the EPA have been regulating asbestos since the 1970s. However, many companies continued to use and handle products containing asbestos without proper labelling or warnings despite the medically proven connection to life-threatening diseases.
Asbestos has been used in a wide variety of products. Asbestos exposure can cause or contribute to the development of serious illnesses including but not limited to, peritoneal mesothelioma (cancer of the abdominal lining), pleural mesothelioma (cancer of the lung lining), pericardial mesothelioma (cancer of the heart lining), lung cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, asbestosis, esophageal cancer, and other sever illnesses.
Serving Clients In Cases Related To Asbestos, Mesothelioma, Silica, Toxic Chemicals, Occupational Diseases And Catastrophic Injuries

Roussel & Clement has been providing a variety of legal services in Louisiana since 1991. The attorneys
with Roussel & Clement concentrate their litigation practice on persons severely injured by exposure to
toxic substances, such as those exposed to asbestos who have developed deadly cancer and/or
mesothelioma. We aggressively pursue compensation for injuries suffered on behalf of our clients.
Each client is important to us, and we work with each client and on each client’s case individually, and not as a
group with others. As you can see by reviewing the numerous cases handled by the attorneys at Roussel &
Clement (only a portion of which is reflected under each attorney’s individual profile above), each client’s
case is unique and is given special and individual attention by the attorneys at our firm.
As trial lawyers, we fight to protect your rights.
The attorneys at the law office of Roussel & Clement confidently represent clients exposed to toxic
substances in Louisiana although these clients are currently living in California, Mississippi, Tennessee, Texas, Washington or other states.

1550 West Causeway Approach, Mandeville LA. 70471
By Appointment Only:
Belle Terre Boulevard at 1714 Cannes Drive, LaPlace LA. 70068
Phone: 985-778-2733
Fax: 985-778-2734